2012 оны эхээр өөрт төрсөн бодлоо ийнхүү сийрүүлж байсныг оллоо. Магад сонирхолтой байж болох талтай гэж үзээд энд хуулбарлалаа.
"Few things in this world is within the immediate reach of
man’s will and power. Every event has its own due time. So what should man got to do? No wise man
goes ahead with his will in order to achieve the things which its own course of time have not come and thus destroys his resources & himself in the process. A wise man on the other hand awaits the right time and prepares himself to strike when the
opportunity arrives. The difference between a wise man and not a wise man is
that a wise man understands when is the right time to strike."
Айхтар агаарын зүйл хэдий сонсогдох боловч, энд дурьдсан нөхцөл байдалтай тулгарсан миний хувьд бол амьдралд буусан, цааш цаашдаа анхаарах олон "хичээл"-г агуулсан бодол байсан юм шиг тухайн үед санагдаж байв.