Monday, October 01, 2007

Strength training: Day 1

Training officially starts today.
To know thyself, one has to deal with one's own "E". I tried to eliminate it from the equation, but I got destroyed once. Then I attempted to ignore it, but I wore out before I knew it happened. So I concluded the way to deal with "E" is understanding it by observing myself and then taking control over it. Once in control, the mind can direct and use it for its own advantage.

However difficult it may seem, only way is to push through.


  1. Good!

    Everyone must change& refresh your mind at least once in Year :)

    i hope, i believe and i think, You can do all this change...

    I begin process of refreshing myself from today too :)

    Good luck to you and to me :P

  2. Aan, chinii blog iim ungutei bsiimu. Reader-s uuruur unshij bgaagui bolhoor meddeggui bsan yum. -ruu orood uzeerei.

  3. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
    - Sun Tzu "Art of war"

    Үе үе өөртөйгөө байлдах үе гардаг л юм, хамгийн хүнд өрсөлдөгч бол чи өөрөө ч гэж ч байдаг даа ;)
